Collection: Small Bathroom Suites

Our Selection of small bathroom suites utilises both style and space extremely well. All available for an affordable range of prices.


We stock a large selection of both modern and traditional style small bathroom suites. We have a range of suites which offer square or round designs with a smaller close coupled toilet making them perfect for cloakrooms or smaller en-suites. If you are looking for a suite specically designed for a cloakroom, check out our Cloakroom Suites Range. We also offer seperate ranges of Cloakroom Basins and Cloakroom Toilets. For those who have plans to install a bath, we have an excellent selection of suites which include baths and utilise the space superbly well.

All our selection come for an excellent price, we are bound to have something that fits your tastes and needs. Our ideas and selection showcase that just because you are limited for spaces doesn\'t mean the style should be compromised. Check out our Small Bathroom Ideas page to help inspire you.

Making a Choice

When deciding what\'s best for you, the size of your bathroom space is vital in deciding which suite is best for you. For en suites and cloakroom suites, our selection of smaller bathroom suites is a perfect choice, with excellent modern and traditional designs all which make the most of the space and leave a minimalist design and finish which looks truly stunning.

Our selection of small bathroom suites is all made in the U.K using the best quality materials for the price. Suites are an excellent choice for those who do not want to go through the hassle of selecting each bathroom feature separately, which can be time-consuming and also highly costly. Smaller bathroom suites are an ideal choice for all. Customise your Small Bathroom Suite with our Bathroom Furniture range to make it yours.

Our small Bathroom suites all come with an excellent long term guarantee and are assured to last well into the future. Our suppliers are experts in bathroom design.

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