Collection: Eaves Vent Packs

At Building Supplies Online we have a range of Eaves Vents from Hambleside Danelaw and Klober for all your Eaves Ventilation requirements, Roof Vents and Roof Ventilation projects.

Klober 10mm Vented Eaves Protector

Klober\'s Vented Eaves Protector is a faster and easier method for roof ventilation and Eaves Ventilation that will help protect the eaves. Consisting of an integrated Underlay Support Tray and a practical 1000mm Over Fascia Vent with integrated Underlay Support Tray. All Klober Ltd\'s products sold by BSO are covered by a 10-year guarantee against manufacturing defect. Products are not covered for poor workmanship, incorrect installation or colour stability.

Hambleside Danelaw

The 3 in 1 roof ventilation packs provide complete ventilation and a support system for your roof vents and eave vents, giving additional protection to the fascia detail of all roof types. A unique feature of this system is the universal over fascia Roof vents with two fixing positions that adapt to 10mm and 25mm airflows areas. Installation of the roof ventilation pack is straightforward. The over fascia Roof Vents or Eave vents are fitted to the top edge of the fascia board, in either of the two stepped positions, to suit the required level of airflow the roll panel and underlay support tray are then installed. The underlay support tray is placed on top of the over fascia Eave vents and nailed into place through holes provided in the over fascia vent. It is then nailed at the top of the tray through the roll panel if required and into the rafter. Using the raised locators formed into the tray sides consecutive trays are lapped by 50mm. The underlay support tray is used to form the drip into the gutter.

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